LFS Chemistry provides in-house R&D, QAQC, Pre-Job Performance Testing, Logistics, and Client Support to enhance oilfield operations. Our services ensure the effective use of frac chemicals, completion chemicals, and biosurfactants for reliable, field-ready performance.
Our team specializes in developing bio-based, biodegradable, and green surfactants for oil and gas applications. We formulate cost-effective, high-performance chemistries to enhance production and provide reliable alternatives to traditional synthetic additives.
We leverage advanced testing equipment to ensure that our labs, manufacturing facilities and materials meet regulations and guidelines, and that our products adhere to the highest-quality industry standards.
Pre-Job Performance Testing
We conduct detailed sample analysis to determine the best application of shale stabilizers, lubricants, and biosurfactants for specific formations. By optimizing chemical selection, we help operators enhance well performance and mitigate risks before full-scale deployment.
Last-mile delivery, ISO containers, and 24/7 support keep products like frac chemicals and completion chemicals on schedule.
Last Mile Delivery
We manage logistics directly, providing fast, accurate delivery of frac chemicals, completion chemicals, lubricants, and biosurfactants without third-party delays.
Our ISO containers ensure the safe transport and storage of frac chemicals, completion chemicals, and shale stabilizers, delivering products ready for use.
Customer Service
& Client Support
We offer 24/7 personalized customer service by phone and email, with prompt response times to quickly and easily meet all requests and support our clients.
LFS’s "Engineered Dosage™" program is a result of a comprehensive review of the reservoir from first principles.
Reservoir-based analysis determines the most effective application of frac chemicals, lubricants, and green surfactants while managing cost and ESG priorities